Saturday, July 17, 2010

ROTB (Running Of The Brides)

Filene's is having their annual Running of the Brides. You know the event where anxious crazy women line up to horde bridal gowns in the hopes of getting that perfect gown for their wedding day. Well one in my area is coming up on July 30th. And I don't have anyone to go with me. Everyone works on Friday! I'll just make one person take off and go with me. You know who you are. I don't care if your a guy! You're going!

Its gonna be tough. (start "Eye of the Tiger" tape now) I'm gonna have to hit the gym so I can carry the gowns, and load up on power bars so I don't get dizzy from hunger. And no coffee, cause there ain't no facilities to relieve yourself. Then study bridal mags to mesmerize what I want and get mentally focused. I'm gonna have to wear something that I can put a dress on over. Cause there are no dressing rooms or not enough. They say women just change in the aisles. I'm actually scared and excited at the same time. Hope I get a dress and not knock anyone out in the process. The eye of the Tigeeeer~  the eye of the Tigerrrrrerrrerrerer (stop tape)


  1. i will take a day off and go with u. =D

  2. really?!? I don't want to trouble you. But if you would like to accompany me that would be AWESOME!

  3. yah let me know which day i will take a day off.. haha
