Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wild Thing, I think I love you~~~

Where The Wild Things Are X Opening Ceremony

Spike Jonze is like the epitome of Hipster, his movies and videos are quirky, hes got the scruffy white guy look, and hes smart for marketing his movie at Urban Outfitters, the epicenter of every Hipster community. Anywayss He and his Co. has gone and collaborated with Opening ceremony to design a clothing line based on Wild Things. You not only can have the dolls, watch the movie, read the book, and rock to the soundtrack (which btw is aaaaw~~some) now you can wear a piece of a Wild Thing, and essentially be one yourself. They don't come cheap but are cute none the less. Below being my favorite. Best part is that its reversible! Click the link above to peruse.

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